The Corner

“New Windows”

I get one or two of these emails a day:

Dear Jonah,

You seem to be the only one on The Corner who posts links that automatically open in a new window. Can’t you convince your colleagues to also employ this wonderful labor-saving device?

I don’t know much about how these things work, but I’m guessing it takes a few extra keystrokes to do it your way. But your extra keystrokes no doubt save your collective readership many thousands of keystrokes (and or precious seconds of loading time) over the course of a workday. Imagine the extra productivity said colleagues would generate by posting links the Jonah way!

Thank you for thinking of us.

Update For the record, from a reader:

As a service to your readers, let them know that they can “right-click” on a link and choose “open in a new window” even if it isn’t coded that way. I got that tip from Instapundit several years ago; he suggested it when folks were complaining to him about the same issue.

Update II: My new window format isn’t all sweetness and light to some:

Hello Jonah,

I’m sure this e-mail will be but a tiny snowflake in an avalanche, but just in case, I HATE it that your posts default to opening a new window. Clicking on your links activates my anti-pop-up software, so I have to deliberately right-click and specify opening in a new window. The other Corner bloggers’ links just open up tidily. I had meant to bring this up, but now that you’ve been praised for it, I felt the urge to be a fly in the ointment. I personally hope you’ll stop with the new window business. I don’t care for it. [Gratuitous compliment deleted]

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