The Corner

News from Storm Lake

As it happens, the San Diego Union-Tribune just ran a news story from… Storm Lake, Iowa! Several readers sent it in. Here is one:

Derb—No bitterness in Storm Lake? I suspect the reason the folks you talked to didn’t complain is because they’re your typical sensitive college students. But immigration is having a huge impact on the presidential caucuses. McCain has gotten earfuls from Iowans on the matter.

Our political classes, venturing out from their intern-stacked DC offices and gated-community homes to mingle with the—ugh!—actual American people, are getting a fast education in demographics. One of the most revealing things that happened in politics last year was the eagerness of pols like Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton to show up and give support at the first batch of ¡Sí se puede! rallies, followed by their utter invisibility at the second batch. Pols are stupid, but not unteachable.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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