The Corner

Ney to That

And from a Pence supporter:

Though the old guard leadership is speaking on a return to principles and 1994, the current Majority Leader was saying the same thing in 2004.  He was saying the same in 1998.  He’s a wonderful talker, but where are the results?  Make no mistake, losing 30 seats is a bad loss.  Any CEO would be fired if his company underperformed in such a way, no matter how nice of a person he may be.   This year, we saw the “culture of corruption” tag stuck to us.  In fact, only one member the House Republican Leader race knew that Bob Ney would be going to prison for the last two years and sat on it, protecting corruption at the expense of this body.   Only one person in this race sat idly on the sidelines and allowed Ney to keep getting a paycheck and allowed him to remain a member of this body through the election.  How many seats did that help lose?

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