The Corner

No Energy Bill? Who Cares?

Moderate Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) is not happy with Pelosi’s energy bill, to which the Renewable Portfolio Standard has been added again outside the normal process. In a letter he sent yesterday to her and others in Democratic leadership, he writes:

While we understand the constraints the Minority has put on this process, we are significantly concerned that the Energy and Commerce Committee has not been properly consulted as this process has moved forward.  This is a major piece of legislation that will have considerable consequences on our nation’s energy use for years to come.  Given the substantive policy questions surrounding several provisions that are being considered, as well as the political implications of these decisions, it is only appropriate that the Committee of jurisdiction be able to properly vet this bill.

Given the restrictive process used to develop this legislation, we reserve the right to vote against any Rule that would allow for floor consideration of this legislation until Energy and Commerce Committee members are allowed the appropriate input on these important policy decisions.

Recall that when President Bush came to office advocating an energy bill, the whole point was to increase the amount of energy available. Given that the pending bill will not make even a single extra KiloJoule available, there is really no reason the American public should care at all whether this bill passes. 

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