The Corner

No-Mentum, Democrat-Style

Something about the Obama campaign reminds me of the Howard Dean phenomenon. I don’t mean Obama’s a flash in the pan. Obviously, Obama’s a serious candidate with a real chance of victory. Having said that, Democrats who deeply excite young people and play most strongly to the party’s anti-war left seem to have a bigger barks than bites. Young people and “latte liberals” have disproportionately high media profiles, and that seems to make for a misleading impression of momentum. I suspect that Hillary’s women backers give her an unshakable floor of support. Hillary’s women may not make as much noise as Barack’s college students, but they will not be moved by mere buzz. It’s been noted how little difference a raft of high profile endorsements by the Kennedy clan and other heavy hitters in Massachusetts made to the outcome there. Apparently, Hillary got huge margins of support from Massachusetts women. That’s the unshakable base I’m talking about. Hillary’s women will either give her victory or keep her in play till the very end.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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