The Corner

National Review

No, Michael Mann Isn’t Going to Ruin National Review

The D.C. Superior Court ruled in favor of our motion for summary judgment in the Michael Mann lawsuit today.

This gives me some pleasure, but it’d give me more pleasure if it were a more complete victory. His suit has always been utterly without merit and a means to harass and exact vengeance on his critics. We have argued this in the courts for more than eight years and pointed out the multiple ways that his suit fails. The court today ruled that we couldn’t have had malice against Mann, since the Steyn Corner post that occasioned his suit was posted directly and by a nonemployee. The suit still stands against Steyn and CEI, which is outrageous.

We will have more to say about this in the coming days, but this story is far from over — Mann can appeal, and we are actively considering going after him for the millions of dollars of legal fees we’ve had to pay to defend ourselves against his absurdly contrived, malicious, and anti-free-speech lawsuit.

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