The Corner

No More Mexicans?

A mockumentary entitled “A Day Without a Mexican” opened earlier this month in several dozen theaters in California and Texas. I would have written a review for NRO, but it’s not being shown anywhere I can get to (I understand Steve Sailer is reviewing it for the upcoming issue of The American Conservative). The premise is that Californians wake up one day and all Hispanics have magically disappeared — not just illegal aliens or even all immigrants, but all Hispanics. Much hilarity is supposed to ensue, as clueless white and black people haplessly try to wash dishes and rake lawns.

Without passing judgment on the movie as such, it’s clearly based on the usual false assumptions of the open-borders crowd: there are jobs Americans won’t do, the price of produce would skyrocket without foreign labor, only racists want to enforce immigration laws, etc. Perhaps most insidious is the effort to blur the difference between legal and illegal immigrants, and between citizens and non-citizens. The very premise of the movie is thus blood-and-soil nationalism of das Volk (or rather, La Raza), which is only socially permissable when advocated by approved ethnic groups.

I’d love to hear the reactions of any Corner readers who’ve seen the movie.

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