The Corner

Nobels All Around

The Eagle Forum radio program is normally hosted by Phyllis Schlafly. Today, it was hosted by her daughter, Anne Cori. We spent the hour talking about the Nobel Peace Prize.

Do you know the name Cori? Anne’s parents-in-law were Carl and Gerty Cori, who were scientists from Prague. They came to America in the 1920s. In 1947, they shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Gerty died in 1957. The Cori crater on the moon is named for her.

What a world.

P.S. Anne declined to talk about any of this on the air. She said the focus ought to be the peace prize. She is more modest than I — I would have bragged about the Coris. I have no doubt that Anne was well raised, in every respect.

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