The Corner

The ‘Not Mitt Romney’ Coalition

There is now a group dedicated to making sure Mitt Romney does not win the GOP nomination. From the group’s op-ed in the Des Moines Register:

Mitt Romney is an honorable person. But he is not a conservative. His record over many decades is unquestionably moderate, and although he may be saying many good things now, we cannot trust that he will be a conservative in the White House.

Today we are launching a website, with an online organizing petition, for the silent majority of American conservatives who remain unenthused, demoralized and depressed about the prospect of Republican nominee Mitt Romney and even President Romney.

Half measures are not what America needs at the present moment of extreme peril. One can turn to recent polling, Romney allies’ favorite evidence of a mandate, to discover that Romney’s strengths quickly are becoming his weaknesses.

This and his inability to break the standard frontrunner’s 30 percent, show that there is a growing national consensus: We don’t have an inevitable nominee. However, if Mitt Romney wins Iowa, he may become the inevitable nominee overnight.

Romney is campaigning in Iowa today. Speculation is that he may, after months of mostly ignoring the state, decide to make a serious play there.

The NMR group’s first web video:

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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