The Corner

Not A Parody

From a “reader”:

Mr. Goldberg, You are an idiot and an insult to our Jewish heritage, gas prices are regulated by herr bushler and his oil cabal, you rant and rave at democrats but there are no differences except republicans steal for their own pockets and democrats give to others pockets. We know that 911 was to destroy the bush crime families ties to the brady bond scheme, all SEC investigative records were destroyed in WTC7. Mr. neozionist silverstein admitted to ‘pulling’ the building which we all know means demolition. C’mon join the human race, does selling out really feel that good, didn’t your mother ever tell you to tell the truth? We know Mr. Golberg, we know about right wing shills like you. The sad thing is when push comes to shove, your neocon friends will flush you down the toilet, like cheap paper. Think hard about what is important, join the team for the big win, bring some honor and dignity to yourself.

John Q. Public

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