The Corner

Not-So-Hot About the Hot Northeast

An e-mail from hot Houston:

KLo, I cannot tell you how irritated I am getting with the MSM about how hot it is up north.  I guess the Yankees can’t handle a week or two of 95+ weather.  I am currently living in Houston and grew up in Fort Worth.  Down South, we deal with such temperatures May 1-September 30 easily.  Some years it gets hot in April (hot meaning over 90) and doesn’t cool down until Halloween (cooling down meaning under 90).  I cannot tell you how many summers in Fort Worth where it was 98+ every day with a heat index well over 100 for the entire months of July and August.  And my Momma threw us kids out of the house every day.  I remember one summer where it was 100+ every day for the month of July.  I know it’s not normal for the Yanks to have to deal with such heat in the summer.  But I did have a short stint in New Jersey and it managed to get pretty hot (well into the 90′s) in the summers too.  Just not for 4-5 months.  I’m tired of the Yankee wussiness and whining.  Granted, I know it’s not everybody, but the MSM makes you all look like a bunch of wimps.  There are reasons why down in the South everyone has a pool (or has pool privileges at a friend’s house), moves slowly and sits around on porches drinking lemonade or iced tea, if we venture outside at all before the sun goes down.  It is tough for all the folks who work outside all day, but they manage to do it drinking lots of water and getting started before 7 am.  And they do it for most of the year.  We won’t even go into the humidity in Houston.  But everyone here manages to breath just fine, even outdoors.  When air conditioning came around, we were smart enough to air condition everything, including dog houses.  And don’t start whining about not having A/C.  That is a choice.  Plus I spent several weeks in August and September without a working air conditioner, so I know what it’s like.  Enough with the whining already!  It makes me wonder how in the world the Yanks won the War Between the States. Love everyone at the Corner and greetings from H-Town!

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