The Corner

A Note Re Last Night

Re: Rep. Mike Honda, DNC Deputy “Chair”: Describing his family’s time in a Japanese internment camp during WWII, “Our government did this to us and to 120,000 other loyal Japanese Americans during a time of war hysteria…Our government told us that we could not be trusted solely because of the color of our skin and the shape of our eyes.”

According to the San Jose Mercury-News, “It happened, he said, because nobody in a leadership position had the courage to stand up and condemn the bigotry. Despite that experience, Honda declared himself a proud American who was supporting Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry for president because he has shown courage throughout his career and ‘because he understands the lessons from the dark chapters of our nation’s history.’”

The implicit message was that George W. Bush–with his Guantánamo detainees–does not.

Wasn’t it FDR–that great lion of the Left, Father of the Handout State, the greatest Democrat (who made a photo & quote appearance on the giant telescreen at the Fleet Center)–who put the Japanese in camps?

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