The Corner

Now It’s My Turn

to get Gibson-profit emails:

Regarding your latest post on The Corner on the profit motive wrt Christian movies, I think you miss the point.

Newmarket (the distributor) is making plenty of profit. So are the theaters. So are the actors, producers, etc. The only question here is whether or not it is unseemly for Gibson, who portrayed his making of this film as a religious calling, to make a HUGE profit from The Passion’s success. I doubt Jonah would have even mentioned it if Gibson were a not-so-devout believer who had said, “I’m making this movie because I just think it’s a pretty powerful story that will make a cool movie.”

Another way of looking at it: if people were demanding that Gibson AND everyone else simply give all the profits away, then you would have a point. As it is, you don’t.

My response: Really? Movies can get made on a routine basis with all the profits going to the theaters, distributors, etc., and none to the Gibson-equivalents? I doubt that.

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