The Corner

Now They Tell Us, Part III

Emily Bazelon writing in Slate:

Witness the harsh and sometimes hostile partisanship of the sweet liberal children I know … And so I fear the election is teaching them not only about the joy of supporting an appealing candidate but also about the more vicious pleasures of despising the other side—with a zeal that’s usually off-limits to them. Also during the soccer carpool, the kids discussed a pumpkin with Obama carvings that had gotten smashed, and one of them said, “It must have been those McCain-loving teenagers.” Which led to a gleeful discussion about fighting back with bombs and guns. I winced. As did one of my colleagues over drawings her 3-year-old son did at synagogue this weekend. At first, he drew a stick figure with its arms raised. “That’s Obama,” he said to nobody. Then the stick figure reappeared, lying prone. “Dead McCain,” he muttered.

Out of the mouths of liberal babes — that’s unpossible! Only Republicans, and particularly those at Sarah Palin rallies, express such hateful sentiments. The Obama campaign was all about hope.

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