The Corner

THE NR Cruise Has Docked

Just this weekend…a cruiser checks in, totally unsolicited:

Estimada Senora Lopez,

A quick note to let you know that those of us who cruised the Rhine with the NR crew were treated to a most delightful experience. I would encourage other readers to one day join in and enjoy incredible sights, brilliant analysis by the panelists, and the unexpected bonus of making quite a few substantive new friends. There was an excellent group of those who are young enough to be Duran Duran fans, late night owls congregating “plotting revolution” (you know there has to be a subversive element in any conservative gathering!) and a unique opportunity for readers diverse in age and background to get to know each other well. The speakers were riveting and I don’t think anyone can truly say they have lived until they have seen Paul Johnson sketching a cathedral while the rest of us whipper-snappers are limited by cameras! There were hugs, handshakes, and phone and email swapping like crazy – a sure sign of success. If you post any of this in the Corner, let it be said that in reference to Jay’s cowboy and farmer reference that “Territory folks should stay together,” and we certainly did.

Come next time, and be sure to bring the “Rio” CD – on second thought, maybe the Amazon should be next?

Best regards,

David Blews

Atlanta, GA

For information on NR’s post-election cruise with WFB, Ken Starr, Victor Davis Hanson, Milton Friedman & many more, click here.

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