The Corner

NYT In Trouble

From a reader:

Am I the only one who saw this?

David Letterman’s to ten list 7/19/06  which seems to have just been pulled off the net

Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble At The New York Times

10. Extensive coverage of recent fighting between the Israelis and the lesbians

9. Pages 2 through 20 are corrections of previous edition

8. Every sentence begins “So, like”

7. TV listings only for Zorro

6. Weather forecast reads “Look outside dumbass”

5. Multiple references to “President Gore”

4. Obituary includes list of people they wish were dead

3. Headlines fold over to create surprise mad magazine-type hidden message

2. Restaurant critic recently gave IHOP four stars

1. Reporting that Oprah isn’t gay, but Letterman is

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