The Corner

Obama: Being President Made Me ‘Humbler as Opposed to Cockier’

In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Thursday evening, President Obama said that he has been humbled since entering the White House in 2009. “The interesting thing about now having been president for five years is it makes you humbler as opposed to cockier about what you as an individual can do,” he explained.

The president used his hour with Matthews to urge young people to vote in next year’s mid-term elections and expressed hope that Democrats would take back the House. “In our history, usually when we’ve made big progress on issues it actually has been when one party controlled the government for a period of time,” the president said. “The big strides we made in the New Deal, the big strides we made with the Great Society, those were times where you had a big majority.”

Obama repeatedly pointed to his signature health-care law as an example of the benefits that come about when one party controls both the legislative and executive branches. The most gratifying part of his public service, he said, is witnessing how his work has helped people, and he cited no “greater satisfaction” than hearing from people who have benefited from the regulations he has signed into law.

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