The Corner

Obama’s Transition Priorities

From Obama transition world:

Today, the Obama-Biden Transition Team announced leaders for a series of Policy Working Groups for the Presidential Transition. 

The focus of the Policy Working Groups will be to develop the priority policy proposals and plans from the Obama Campaign for action during the Obama-Biden Administration. The Policy Working Groups will focus on the following areas: Economy, Education, Energy and Environment, Health Care, Immigration, National Security, and Technology, Innovation and Government Reform.

The list of Policy Working Group Leaders and their biographies are below:

Economic: Daniel K. Tarullo

Education: Linda Darling-Hammond

Energy and Environment: Carol M. Browner

Health Care: Senator Tom Daschle

Immigration: T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar

National Security: James B. Steinberg, Dr. Susan E. Rice

Technology, Innovation and Government Reform: Sonal Shah, Julius

Genachowski, Blair Levin

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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