The Corner

Obviously a Sensitive Area For Kerry: Misinformation Campaign in Ohio?

A reader from Maineville, Ohio:

Good afternoon. I received a flyer on my windshield after Mass today that details why John Kerry is more pro-life (C+) than Bush (D+).

I live and attend Mass in Warren County, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati.

Good grief — I cannot tell you how upset I am. The flyer grades from the “2004 Presidential Election and Catholic Social Teaching Report Card” by David C. Cochran, Loras College, Dubuque, IA.

Believe me, the parking lot at our parish is 90 percent Bush/Cheney re: bumper stickers. This will definitely raise some eyebrows. Thought you’d want to know another Kerry tactic for Ohio two days before the election.

Update: here’s the report card, email description a little off, unless the grades are different on the flyer vs. the article.

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