The Corner

Occupy’s Second Anniversary in Pictures

I trekked down to Occupy Wall Street’s celebration of its second anniversary today in New York City, traveling alongside the occupiers as they marched from Zuccotti Park to Washington Square. Here are some images of today’s event:

This lady told me that she cared about so many things so she decided to “make a new sign that incorporates everything.”

She wasn’t kidding. 

She did miss this one: opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free-trade deal between American and Asian nations, because of its threat to people in Peru and orangutans.

The marchers had a general anti-corporate bent:

And this gentleman generally opposes George Zimmerman (I’ve censored his shirt, which was too obscene in its original form)

Miscellaneous issues:

According to one sign at the march, none of the causes stand alone.

When it came to fashion, the younger Occupiers tended to favor chic red handprints, which this gentleman told me are a symbol of the Occupy movement.

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