The Corner


Cas Balicki in British Columbia wrote that he hoped to lighten my day with “this bit of doggerel written in elegiac (the most suitable for the occasion) form.”

I just have to share it with other Corner readers.

Tea in Niger

Pour out my dear

I like mine clear

No milk to befog

In this political smog

Among the scones, tarts and pies

Who’ll spot the political lies

Ah! Devonshire cream

This must be a dream

Lather on the jams and jellies

It’s the politics of full bellies

Dibs on the last crumpet

Bids the Vanity Fair strumpet

What’s that at the end of the tray

Yellow cake, you don’t say

Alas, time to leave this resort

And write my CIA report

All the rest, as they say, is history

Armitage dispelled the mystery

Or was it Wilson to Corn

Big mouth to lowly inkhorn

Oh! what a bummer

Ain’t no Fitzmas this summer

Rove’s out of the jam

Powell’s on the lam

We’re done with Plame

And her fifteen minutes of fame

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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