The Corner

OFA Promotes Fan Page on

In case you had doubts, the Obama team and MSNBC are quite close. Earlier today, Organizing for Action, the non-profit advocacy arm of the president that morphed from his campaign, tweeted a link to its group’s page on

The page currently boasts just under 200 members, and provides a forum for supporters to discuss topics related to OFA. Both the page and the official OFA page share much of the same language, including the organization’s description: “Organizing for Action is the grassroots movement fighting for the agenda Americans voted for in 2012. We are millions of people, empowering individuals to make their voices heard.”

“Organizing for Action is the grassroots movement built by millions of supporters to pass the agenda Americans voted for in 2012.”

“Across the country, OFA supporters are fighting for the issues that matter most to them — including marriage equality, education, better jobs, and middle class security.”

“No matter the issue, OFA works to ensure the voices of ordinary Americans are heard in Washington, while training the next generation of grassroots organizers that will keep fighting for change.”

The page also invites supporters to visit the official OFA page by clicking on a link on the MSNBC page.

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