The Corner

OFA Scales Back Operations, Cuts Staff in Half

Organizing for Action, the non-profit group that branched off of President Obama’s campaign apparatus, will reportedly reduce its efforts ahead of the midterm elections so as not to divert donations away from other Democratic groups.

Along with letting about half of its paid staff go, OFA will “not be giving significant priority to seeking out new major donors,” according to the Associated Press. The organization will still accept large donations, but will shift its focus to smaller contributions. Following the November elections, OFA will return to soliciting larger donations.

Additionally, in recent months, OFA’s staff has gone from more than 200 employees to 100. One reason for the reduction was the end of the Obamacare enrollment period last month.

“During the remainder of 2014, we will work to strengthen our relationships we have with our national leadership, continue our robust digital organizing, and utilize our megaphone to continue to activate our network into issue advocacy,” development director Kathy Gasperine told larger donors in an e-mail obtained by the AP.

Since its creation in January 2013, the group has raised more than $30 million to advocate for the president’s agenda. OFA said it will not work to elect candidates in the upcoming elections, but will continue to advance President Obama’s policies.

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