The Corner

Officer Justin Garner Update

A while back, I blogged about Officer Justin Garner, the policeman who singlehandedly stopped a shooting rampage at a North Carolina nursing home. I mused some about why we don’t recognize heroes like we should, and eventually I got an email informing me about the Carnegie Hero Fund Commision which awards medals and cash prizes to people who risk their lives to save others. I blogged about that as well. 

Today, I came into the office and found a letter from the Carnegie Hero Fund informing me Garner is being considered for the award and I would be notified if the award is approved. They also sent me a brochure, and in reading it I realized that the otherwise unidentified person who emailed to inform me of the Carnegie Hero Fund’s existence is, in fact, its president.

What a wonderful and thoughtful organization. I’ll keep you updated on what happens.

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