The Corner

Oh, Heck

I just got a letter from an angry lawyer:

Please retract your libelous statement that I am an “addict” of The Board, lest it lead readers to cast aspersions on my judgment or, even worse, lead some poor soul to visit The Board. I learned about The Board in reading elsewhere about its ridiculous inaugural post about the nomination of Judge Leslie Southwick, and I have critiqued that post. I have no intention of following The Board, and no sane reader should do so either.

M. Edward Whelan III, Esq.

Washington, D.C.

Dear Reader: You and I both know Whelan will never be able to stay away from their next abortion post, their posts defending the Senate Judiciary Committee on some outrage or another, their attacks on Dick Cheney’s “abuse” of executive power, their posts on the next Supreme Court justice …. he’ll be following The Board — so you don’t have to!

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