The Corner

Oh Jeez

Debby passes this along. “Racist” nine-year old boy is in trouble for wanting to shoot Nazis with his finger-gun.

Excited by stories of the Second World War during school classes, Steven Cheek did what generations of young boys have done before him.

Making an imaginary gun with his fingers, the nine-year-old pointed it at a classmate and said: ‘We’ve got to shoot the German army.’

Moments later he found himself in front of the deputy head, who accused him of racism because his ‘victim’ had been a Polish boy.

He was made to stand in front of the class and make an apology while his mother, Jane Hennessey, was called in by the head of Purford Green Junior School in Harlow, Essex.

She was informed that a permanent record of her son’s misconduct would be placed on file.

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