The Corner

Oh, Kathryn

That’s no way to say goodbye to Commander-in-Chief. It goes more like this Bwwwwaaaahhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

One more thing. Here’s part of what yours truly wrote in NR last October:

Of course, most of the buzz for Commander in Chief has been about its status as an in-kind contribution to the Hillary ‘08 campaign. Naomi Wolf, in the British Guardian, wrote an almost self-parodic review of what she calls “truly addictive, political pornography.” “Finally,” she gushed, “we have a show that can acclimatise Americans to a woman in power before Hillary and her juggernaut.” Despite its early high ratings — thanks largely to unprecedented hype — I sincerely doubt it will be around long enough to help Hillary, and if it is around it won’t help Hillary with anyone she doesn’t have in her skirt pocket already. Why? Because the show is just so dumb.

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