The Corner

Oh No! The Protestors Are Mad At Me

Yesterday on CNN’s Final Round I offered my opinion what I think about the “anti-war movement.” Since then I’ve been getting deluged with email from peaceniks angry at me for calling them nut-jobs.

WOLF BLITZER: Jonah, is the anti-war momentum growing?

GOLDBERG: Yes, I think it is. The problem is, is that the momentum is growing in the wrong direction. If this had been an anti- war movement organized by, say, the National Council of Churches or somebody like that, you wouldn’t have had the freak show that you had in Washington this weekend.

The problem is, is the people running the anti-war movement aren’t honest, conscientious, liberal sort of people who are against war or have a reasonable argument about this stuff.

It is run by this group ANSWER and some other coalition groups that are basically a bunch of pachouli-soaked nut jobs, who are Marxists, anarchists, who have all sorts of bizarre agendas about what the world should be about. And their biggest problem for the anti-war movement today is that whenever their leaders speak, they discredit themselves.

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