The Corner

White House

Oh, Now We’re Noticing the President’s Light Schedule, Huh?

President Joe Biden delivers remarks about the economy in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., March 10, 2023. (Sarah Silbiger/Reuters)

If you’ve been reading the Corner or this by my NR colleagues, you know President Biden’s schedule is particularly light for a president. Biden almost never does public events before the late morning or after the middle of the afternoon, and rarely at night or on weekends.

But we’re conservative media, so a lot of people felt they could ignore or dismiss what we’ve been saying. We couldn’t possibly know what we’re talking about, even though all of this is happening in front of us, and all you need to measure this is a clock and a calendar.

This morning, Axios reports, “some White House officials say it’s difficult to schedule public or private events with the president in the morning, in the evening, or on weekends: The vast majority of Biden’s public events happen on weekdays, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.”

Now that Axios has noticed this, can it be discussed? Or are we all supposed to just avert our eyes and pretend we don’t notice that our 80-year-old president has a six-hour window, five days a week, for public events, where he reads off a teleprompter and takes few questions? And the plan is for him to keep doing this for the next five and a half years.

Every now and then, some reader will accuse me of harping on the president’s age, health, and mental state. But I can’t believe how many people just shrug at this. The U.S. government is currently headed by an old man who can barely maintain the illusion that he’s doing the job. He rambles about how much he loves ice cream before discussing school shootings and babbles about how he sees so many interracial couples in television commercials nowadays. He regularly blurts out off-the-cuff statements that contradict his own administration policies. There are serious reasons to doubt Biden remembers what he is told in classified briefings.

And everybody around the president just lies to us about it. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester claims Biden has more energy now than when he was in his forties. Horsepucky. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Biden has so much energy she “can’t even keep up with him.” Balderdash.

You figure the fact that Biden looks and sounds like a doddering old man is a big factor in why his approval rating just hit 37 percent.

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