The Corner

O’Keefe: Why Have Those Condoning Voter Fraud Not Been Fired?

Guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe certainly stirred things up with his video featuring three liberal activists working to re-elect Senator Mark Udall condoning voter fraud in Colorado. All of them seemed well versed in how to manipulate the state’s new law that automatically sends a ballot to every household in the state and has precious few safeguards against fraud.

Christen Topping of Greenpeace even went so far as to tell O’Keefe the exact address in “ghetto Aurora” where he could find ballots in trash cans that could be fraudulently mailed in. She said residents of the “ghetto” were unlikely to vote because they “don’t really care.”

Imagine if such racial imagery were employed by a conservative political activist.

O’Keefe certainly wants to know if Greenpeace will continue to employ Topping in its political efforts in Colorado. But he also has questions for Alan Franklin, the CEO of Work for Progress (WFP), a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACs. Meredith Hicks, the head of WFP in Colorado, told O’Keefe that committing voter fraud using unused ballots was perfectly okay. “That’s not even lying or stealing, if someone throws out the ballot. If you want to fill it out you should do it,” she told O’Keefe on tape.

When the TV station FOX31 in Denver finally reached Hicks yesterday for her reaction to O’Keefe’s video, she was apparently nervous. She “initially told FOX31 Denver she knew O’Keefe but then said she didn’t recall” the conversation she had with him just a few days before. “I don’t have anything to say about that,” she said.

Alan Franklin should have already fired Meredith Hicks for suborning voter fraud, a likely violation of Colorado law. He now has another reason: She apparently possesses such a poor memory that she can’t even remember the fraud she was condoning. Work for Progress clearly isn’t getting their money’s worth out of her.

John Fund is National Review’s national-affairs reporter and a fellow at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.
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