The Corner

Old Dems Beat New Dems in New Hampshire

Hillary Clinton won the votes of traditional New Hampshire Democrats yesterday. Barack Obama won the new Democrats.

Clinton won every ward in Manchester and Nashua. She won the old industrial cities of Claremont and Berlin and the city of Rochester and large town of Salem. She won the wards where the state’s minority voters — black and Hispanic — live. And she won women.

Obama won the far-left, coffee-shop strongholds of Concord, Hanover, Lebanon, Keene, and Portsmouth. He won the Starbucks crowd; she won the Dunkin’ Donuts crowd.

Clinton’s margin of victory in Manchester and Nashua was more than 5,000 votes.

The Jeanne Shaheen machine and the traditional Democratic Party coalition of blue collar and middle class families carried the day for Clinton while Obama’s wealthy, educated, elite Democratic and independent supporters put up a good fight but were left sobbing in their lattes.

Andrew Cline is president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy and host of the WFEA Morning Update on WFEA radio in New Hampshire.
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