The Corner

Economy & Business

Old Man Yells at Cloud

(Mark Makela/Reuters)

Phil, to pile on the Corner responses here, it does appear we’ve hit the tilting-at-windmills phase of finding inflation culprits.

Grampa Simpson did a better job picking his enemies.

To indulge the honorable Pramila Jayapal’s implied argument even slightly, let’s presuppose Starbucks is using inflation as cover to raise prices.

Unlike, say, grocery-store beef, Starbucks coffee has always been the very definition of a luxury item. Anyone who does not want to overpay for a cup of (let’s just say it, burnt) coffee can (a) find a barista slinging more affordable grinds or (b) brew a pot at home. There’s also the option of (c) drinking tea, but I understand most people are not monsters.

If Starbucks goes too far, patrons might in fact choose one of those alternatives. Prices could fall in response.

Then we could turn to the real bad actor in all this: the clouds.

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