The Corner


On Personal Security, Etc.

At a press conference of the Chicago Police Department in 2016 (Jim Young / Reuters)

If you’re in the mood for a music podcast, I have one for you: here. It is my latest Music for a While. All politics and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In Impromptus today, I begin with one of Saddam Hussein’s children. Uday or Qusay (of unblessed memory)? No, his daughter Raghad — who is also a chip off the old block. I move on to a great Iranian woman, a great Russian woman, and a great Spanish soprano.

In an Impromptus last Monday, I spoke of guns, and published some mail on the subject here. A reader now writes,


One of your correspondents cites the line “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.” Despite 21 years as a DEA special agent and supervisory SA, I remain an unreconstructed beat cop. That line about seconds counting is true. Every copper in the world knows it. Every once in a while, we get lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, but it’s highly unusual. . . .

. . . the bottom line is that no one is responsible for one’s personal security but oneself. If that means packing a pistol, so be it.

A reader tells me,

If you are not openly and publicly demanding a ceasefire, then you are supporting Israel committing genocide against brown people.

Ah, “brown people.” I addressed this issue in the summer of 2022, responding to an article headed “Fox Host Attacks Service Members in Spat with Former Marine, Says Vets Went ‘Across the World’ to ‘Murder Brown People.’” I wrote,

For many years, I have heard from the left that the U.S. military “murders brown people.” I guess everyone is getting into the act now, as lefties and righties blend, on all sorts of things.

You know, I have never heard anyone say that the Taliban, or Saddam Hussein, or al-Qaeda, or ISIS, or Bashar Assad murders brown people. Ever.

And how about the “brown people” fighting alongside U.S. forces? Do they count?

When I made a similar point, over the weekend, a reader responded, “No one ever says that the U.S. went to Europe to kill blue-eyed, blond-haired Germans.” No, they never do.

A reader subsequently wrote to me,

How about all the “brown people” fighting in the U.S. forces? Do they count?

Let’s close with some language. A reader sends me a photo, saying, “Would you and Kevin Williamson admonish Willamette University for this banner on their campus?”

I’m old-fashioned. (Do you know that song?) You can advocate a change; you can be an advocate of change; but to advocate for change? That makes my ears hurt.

Later, y’all.

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