The Corner

Fiscal Policy

One Major Positive Outcome of the Debt-Ceiling Deal

Michael Strain notes:

The speaker also secured substantial policy victories for his members: $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction, tougher work requirements on certain safety-net programs, clawing back unspent Covid-relief money, measures to speed up environmental reviews for major projects, and no tax increases. Considering that Democrats control the Senate and the White House, this is all the more impressive.

The bill also passed the House with solid bipartisan support — 165 Democrats voted in favor.

This means that 165 House Democrats are now on the record for supporting “$1.5 trillion in deficit reduction, tougher work requirements on certain safety-net programs, clawing back unspent Covid-relief money, measures to speed up environmental reviews for major projects, and no tax increases.” McCarthy says that he sees this as a foundation on which to build future legislation.

That’s a significant win for Republicans, despite this deal not containing many of the provisions they would have liked.

Dominic Pino is the Thomas L. Rhodes Fellow at National Review Institute.
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