The Corner

$One$ Obama Vacation = 3 Palin Wardrobes

At Newsmax, Ron Kessler does some quick math and concludes that, if we count only the flight expenses (i.e., forget about all additional necessary expenses for security, housing, etc.), each Obama trip to Hawaii (the vacation a few weeks back and the trip last week to visit his ailing grandmother) costs about $400,000.  Those two trips thus run to $800,000 — an amount that would buy Sarah Palin’s wardrobe more that five times.

Will the Obamedia cover that?  About as likely as the chance that the LATimes will release the videotape of Obama and Bill Ayers appearing at the Israel-bashing 2003 farewell party in Chicago for Rashid Khalidi.  On the homepage this morning, I have an article about the Times’s suppression of the tape.

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