The Corner

One Video Perfectly Illustrates Why It’s So Hard to Believe Black Lives Matters Claims of Peace

Yesterday, Rich posted the video below and focused on the incident around the 2:30 mark, when a protester mocks an obviously injured cop, screaming “That’s right! One piggly-wiggly down!” Her fellow protesters cheered. I kept watching, and seconds later (around 2:50) a white woman wanders onto the screen and says, “People need to know that Black Lives Matter does not condone throwing rocks at police.” Her last words are drowned out by a man yelling, “F**k the police!” The video is below:

But here’s the problem — when peaceful protesters walk and mingle with the violent, then it’s still a violent protest. I’m sorry, but you don’t get to claim the moral high ground by marching and chanting side by side with violent thugs and then tsk-tsking when things go bad. If you can’t expel the violent protesters, go home and reschedule your march for a different time and place. If you can’t march without violence, then re-examine your movement. As it is, Black Lives Matters supporters are placing police under immense pressure with violence while other members of the movement stand at the same event claiming to be about nothing but peace. It’s a cynical game, and it has to end before even more people get hurt.

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