The Corner

Organizing for Action Wants People to Host Newtown ‘Remembrance Events’ to Push Background Checks

Organizing for Action wants to use the December 14 anniversary of the Newtown massacre to push background checks, and it wants you to help out by hosting “remembrance events.”

In an email pitch, the group declares that “communities are coming together to reflect and stand as one with the families of Newtown, Connecticut,” the site of the Sandy Hook massacre, where saw 20-year-old Adam Lanza murdered his mother, 20 children, and six other adults in a mass shooting.

“OFA will give you the resources you need to ensure your event is a powerful reminder of what we lost a year ago, and a reminder that we as a nation need to do more to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe,” the organization said.

The email contains a link to a page on where users can log in and create an event.

“Despite overwhelming public support for expanding background checks for gun sales, Congress has failed to act,” the organization says. “Join local supporters as we remember Newtown and ask Congress: What will it take to make our communities safer?”

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