The Corner

Origins of Rathergate

A fine piece by Larry Henry in TAS this morning, on the sheltered lives that

media panjandrums live.

“CONSIDER HOW MUCH REGULAR FOLKS KNOW. If you have not been famous or

otherwise insulated, you have likely had half a dozen jobs by the age of 50.

You have perhaps started, or tried to start, your own business. You have

moved at least four times in adulthood, and bought and sold perhaps that

many houses or condos, You have researched a number of areas of the country

and lived in two or three (and not just Washington, New York, and Los

Angeles). You have perhaps served a military hitch. You have had children in

public schools or you’ve been home-schooling; you’ve raised funds for a

church or a lodge or a Boy Scout troop. In some context or other, you have

sold something door to door, published a newsletter, sold advertising,

served on a committee, had a hand in hiring and firing. If you’ve ever had

a hobby, you probably have an expert education in something like motorcycle

mechanics, photography, flying, firearms, railroad history, or ornithology.”

You probably even know the difference between fixed and proportional


John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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