The Corner

O’Rourke Wars

Team Romney shoots back:

in your post “We’re All We’re All O’Rourke Fans,” “Team Rudy” insinuates that Governor Romney stole the line from Rudy.

Actually, the Governor used it long before the Mayor did:

ROMNEY: “Look at Europe — as government gets bigger and bigger and taxes go up and up and they took over health care at other places. Well, their economy slows. Their unemployment rate’s almost twice ours. They create almost no new jobs. If government takes over health care, those inimitable words of P.J. O’Rourke come to mind: ‘If you think health care’s expensive now, wait till it’s free.’” (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At A President’s Day Dinner, Spartanburg, SC, 2/22/07)

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