The Corner

The Other Hillary Still Just As Appalling

As a fitting follow-up to Nina’s post on the U.S. government’s shocking indifference to the persecution of Christians by Muslims, let’s shift to something the Obama administration cares passionately about: the good will of Muslims who wear on their sleeves their hatred for Israel.

In a story that’s gotten very little attention, involving a town hall meeting in Tunisia last weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was asked how the U.S. could expect people in Muslim countries like Tunisia and Egypt to trust American politicians given that, during the U.S. election season, those politicians cozy up to their “enemy” (in context, an obvious reference to Israel) and “run towards the Zionist lobbies”).

Mrs. Clinton responded that she thought this was “a fair question.” Really? And the answer to this fair question? Madame Secretary explained that these Muslims who regard Israel as their enemy should understand that “a lot of things are said in political campaigns that should not bear a lot of attention.” She also thought they’d find it comforting that President Obama “will be reelected president” and that if people in Tunisia and Egypt just “watch what President Obama says and does” they’ll realize they don’t need to worry.

Appalling but, by now, not surprising. See CNS News, here, for video & transcript.

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