The Corner

This Ought to Do It

Really. From The Hill:

President Obama issued an executive order Thursday intended to coordinate a “government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce.”

The order creates a council of deputy agency chiefs and federal workers tasked with developing a government-wide plan to improve diversity in recruitment, training, and promotion of federal workers. The plan is due within 90 days, and each federal agency has been tasked with developing its own guidelines within 120 days after that.

“The federal government has a special opportunity to lead by example,” said John Berry, director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in a conference call.

Yes, you know that monolithically white-male federal government that systemically denies opportunities to women and persons of color.

According to the OPM, minorities represented 38.8 percent of the federal workforce last year, while 43.9 percent of the federal workforce was female.

“We will only succeed in our critical mission with a workforce that hails from, represents and is connected to the needs of every American community,” Berry said.

Your tax dollars at work.

Michael Walsh — Mr. Walsh is the author of the novels Hostile Intent and Early Warning and, writing as frequent NRO contributor David Kahane, Rules for Radical Conservatives.
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