The Corner

Our Big Day–or So You Can Make It

So, today begins NRO’s first fundraising drive in earnest. Though we might look like copycats–Andrew Sullivan had a pledge week last week–I swear it was a long time planned. We didn’t want to do it during the heart of the Iraq battle, obviously. And so we set a semi-arbitrary date before the summer really set in to ask you to contribute to our enterprise. As Jonah tells you in his piece today (check out the homepage if you have not already), we are a money-losing venture. Not to sound like a sad story, but our writers work for very little, free, or less. They are in it for the love of it, of course–for the cause–but, every now and again their kids do want to eat.

Seriously though, we would not only like to sustain what we have in the months ahead, but expand. We want to be on the forefront of cyberopinionjournalism–we want to bring you the best–as fast, as often, and as well as is humanly possible. But to do all that, we need a little more cash than we are operating with–for more staff, more resources. So this is what we ask: If you can, make a choice to support NRO, financially, today. You can make a one time donation or give a set amount every month, or you can buy a subscription to National Review on Dead Tree. You can both donate and subscribe–don’t limit your options. The donation form has a comment box where you can let us know why you donated, why NRO is worth your support. During the course of the fundraising drive, we’ll be posting some of those. Feel free to e-mail me, too, as you so often do, and let us know what it is about NRO that keeps you coming back–and why you have chosen (I hope you have) to put your money where your mouse is.

Thank you. Thank you for reading NRO. Thank you for your e-mail that come in every day–your applause, complaints, and suggestions. And, today, especially, thank you for hearing us out. Thank you for putting up with the financial blegging. And thank you, thank you, thank you, for making a financial commitment to NRO today.

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