The Corner

Outsourcing Cub Scouts?

The scout camp I went to with my son (I was one of two dads overseeing 11 boys full-time for a week — it was a long week!) was called Camp PMI, one of several camps at the Washington-area scout council’s 4,000-acre Goshen Reservation. Upon seeing the name of the camp I grew alarmed that the scouts had given into the the culture of efficiency-uber-alles by outsourcing the running of the camp to Parking Management Inc., the owner of parking facilities all over the Washington area! Improbable as it might seem, it was plausible, since the camp’s red, white, and black oval logo was exactly the same as the company’s. I was relieved to learn that the founders of the PMI company merely donated the money years ago to build the camp, which is why one of the other camps there is called Marriott.

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