The Corner

Overhead Over My Head

Thanks for your reassurance, Yuval. With this kind of threat hanging over me, I’ve been in touch with the Vatican for specs on the Pope-mobile. I’m thinking a Segway covered in protective glass may be right for me. On the funding issue, the problem is getting information. I saw the piece on overhead caps in today’s Chronicle of Higher Education, but couldn’t find a single story on the issue at any other news outlet. How do we find out the truth about what’s really going on here? As noted, there just aren’t any conservative organizations watching over these sorts of issues. The higher education lobby rules. I suppose congress could conduct its own investigation, but even Republicans are cowed by the higher ed lobby. Again, what we need is public awareness and some organizational structure to support it. In the end, unless there are ways of showing congress that the public cares about this sort of abuse, the lid will stay on this story. In the meantime, maybe I can write a grant to conduct research on bullet-proof Segways–with a healthy allowance for overhead, of course.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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