The Corner

Overheard On Cnn

Rigth after the funeral, Bernie Shaw admitted on CNN that the newsmedia failed the american people by not recognizing Reagan during his presidency–and Wolf Blitzer and Paula Zahn agreed:

Bernie Shaw: “I’d just like to say something…We failed the American

people with our coverage…I certainly missed a lot.”

Wolf Blitzer: “We’ve learned a lot about this presidency since his two

terms in office.”

Paula Zahn: “I just wanted to add, Wolf, I do think there is new

material coming out now about Ronald Reagan. With the distance of years

we have the ability to get information…When there is a death, I think

there is a respectful difference. I’ve heard people say the media is

going overboard. In fact, it is entirely appropriate to go back and find

what this man meant in the news media, to the world.”

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