The Corner

Paladino Implodes

The piecemeal implosion of Carl Paladino’s campaign is more painful to watch than the castration scene in Hard Candy.**  In the latest session of target practice on his own metatarsals, Paladino called state Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver a “criminal,” twice.

I would personally be delighted to come across Silver in orange jammies doing weedwhacker duty on some highway verge up Poughkeepsie way, but Silver’s evil genius consists in brilliantly gaming a hopelessly corrupt and dysfunctional system on behalf of his friends without breaking any laws.

It’s a tragedy. New York state is in a death spiral, and public-union stooge Andrew Cuomo is precisely the wrong person to do anything about it. He’s romping ahead in the polls, though. Thanks a lot, Carl.

** Mrs. Derb — we were watching it on the family DVD — snickered and chuckled all the way through that scene. Hope she wasn’t taking notes.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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