The Corner

Palin Predicts Primary Challenger for Obama

In an interview last night, Sarah Palin remained coy about her own 2012 intentions, but suggested that desperate Democrats would soon mount a primary challenger to Obama.

“More and more Democrats are going to realize that if they want to retain the Democrat control of the White House they’re going to have to put somebody up in the primary against Obama,” Palin told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Of her own plans about running in 2012, Palin merely said,  “I think people are still going to be coming and going [in the GOP primary] because there is still time, and I’m still one of those still considering.”

Palin acknowledged that states laws could make it difficult for her to declare later than the beginning of November.

“Legally you do [have to declare by November] because you have to start getting your ducks lined up to have your names on these ballots,” she said. “But I do think  this is going to be such an unconventional election cycle … A lot is going to happen in these next fourteen months. Mark my word, it is going to be an unconventional type of election process.”

When Hannity spoke of the top three being Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Michele Bachmann, Palin pushed back.

“Ron Paul may be in front of Michele Bachmann, according to certain polls,” she noted. “Shoot, I’ve seen my own name up there in the top three.”

Talking about Perry’s remarks on Israel yesterday, Palin said, “Perry is right,” and noted that she agreed the Obama administration had acted  in a “misguided” and “weak” way toward Israel.

She also predicted that the burgeoning Solyndra scandal was just “the tip of the iceberg.”

“You’re going to be blown away by more and more examples that will surface with people researching what Obama’s agenda has been in terms of crony capitalism and corporate welfare,” Palin remarked.


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Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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