The Corner


From a reader, speaking for many:

When I get tired of working and my job really begins to get to me I will always think of the poor Democratic strategist who is assigned to discredit Sarah Palin.   If there ever was a political land mine she is it. No matter how clever in handling it, it will most likely explode in your face. But, you can’t not handle it lest it cost you the election.   What to do…Ah, now I feel better about returning to the salt mines!   Keep up the good work.

Me: Oh, and that reminds me. Every time anybody has said anything critical of Obama, from the primaries straight through today, Obama has voiced his Daschle-esque disappointment about the smash-mouth politics of the past and posed as if he’s so much better than that. Does no one see a contradiction between this blatantly fraudulent claim and this tidbit from the Wall Street Journal:

Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin’s hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. My sources report the first wave arrived in Anchorage less than 24 hours after John McCain selected her on August 29. 

No, of course not. 

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