The Corner

The Parents

I’ve been very curious about the parents: What did or didn’t they know about Loughner’s condition, and what did they do about it?

The Wall Street Journal has this story today, reporting:

The parents told investigators they didn’t realize the severity of their son’s problems, say people familiar with the matter.

There’s also this at the end:

It was Mr. Smith [a neighbor] who told the Loughners what had happened Saturday. They returned from shopping, grocery bags in their peeling white Chevy truck, to find sheriffs’ cars parked in front of the house and deputies stringing up crime-scene tape.Mr. Smith, who had seen the news on TV, walked up and told them their son was suspected in a mass shooting. “She almost passed out right there,” Mr. Smith said. “He sat in the road with the tape up and cried.”

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