The Corner

The Pat Tillman Story

My comments Friday

about the lack of a Pat Tillman biopic (as an example of a heroic

story about either the Afghanistan or Iraq wars) generated a fair

amount of emails like this one from reader Nick:

“The story of Pat Tillman is good story. One that needs to be told. I doubt

however you would be happy with the final product if it were based on what

really happened to him as opposed to the fantasy version of events. He was

killed in action in Afghanistan by friendly fire. He was not a supporter of

the neocon agenda, in fact nearly the opposite.”

Several readers suggest that I would cry “media bias” if a Tillman

movie included “his family’s view that the military covered up the

circumstances of his death.” (E-mailer David.) Now, I am not an

expert on the Pat Tillman story. I have no idea if, as some news

accounts suggest, he was anti-Bush or against the Iraq War. The point

is, none of it matters. I am calling for Hollywood writers and

directors to make movies and TV shows depicting the heroic stories of

the War on Terror, not for a whitewash of history. Clearly Pat

Tillman was a complex man, a man worthy of a serious film examining

his actions and their underlying motives. His death was tragic, and

any incident of friendly fire is a defining instance of the horrors of

war. But why, I wonder, are e-mailers of liberal sensibility so quick

to assume I (and by extension the Right in general) would only accept

one-sided propaganda? Is it because one-sided propaganda is the

left’s signature move, and they assume that given a chance we would do

it that way, too?

Warren BellWarren Bell was nominated June 20, 2006, by President George W. Bush to be a member of the Board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the remainder of a ...
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